Hydro Construction Products specialises in providing modern and effective drainage systems. We provide unrivalled service so you get the drainage solution you need.
We are proud to present our Hydro Performer Series of traditional and square style floor wastes and linear drainage systems, available with stainless steel or uPVC channels and accessories.
This high-performance, cost-effective range features architectural wedgewire grating and tile inserts which will blend seamlessly with your floor surface. Hydro Performer Series’ easily removable grates and hair strainers ensure efficient water flow and easy cleaning across all applications including:
- Bathrooms & Showers
- Swimming Pools
- Courtyard & Patio
- Residential
- Sports & Leisure Facilities
- Wet Areas
- Hotels, Restaurants & Cafes
- Commercial Kitchens
The Hydro Performer Series product range conforms with WaterMark Levels 1 & 2. Hydro Construction Products is a member of the Australian Stainless Steel Development Association (ASSDA) for true quality assurance.
For more information, contact our team on 1300 GO HYDRO and download our Performer Series Brochure:
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